2D Worley Noise

First task in generating realistic clouds was to pick pick an implementation approach. We settled on Worley Noise technique. The idea is to scatter random points all over the screen and find the distance between every pixel and it’s closest point. Then, we would use that distance to shade every pixel with a value between 0 and 255 scaled by the distance.

To test our 2D Worley Noise generation algorithm, we used a simple LodePNG library in order to generate .png files.

First we shaded the background in white color and randomly generated n points. At this stage there is an optimization worth mentioning: evenly subdivide the screen into rectangles and place only one random point per rectangle. This way, every pixel in the scene has to be checked only against a rectangle it belongs to in addition to neighboring rectangles.

Next we found a closest distance between each random point and every pixel in the scene. Normalized by max distance and multiplied by 255 – we now able to shade our scene. The figure displayed on your right is the inverted result [ 255 – normalized_distance ].